Tuesday, April 30, 2024

blog 9

 I learned that every company in todays society is using every technology available in order to make their business more effeient. 

The Age of Ai is scary because it takes away from human interaction which can be very negative for newer generations 

In addition having a robot think for you or even make music takes away from a humans unqie ability

Ai can not create something that is not yet created .  All of its information is from a major data pool of information that is already know 

For isntance when i order food through a drive through there is always a misscommucation or misunderstanding 

If you walk into the place to order you are able to ask questions with a clear , comprensive response 

This means a decrease in workers  and replacement  with robots to reduce costs. 

The wealthier gets wealthier and the poor get poorer and once ai can replace regular jobs like a  janitor than it will make the ecomice gap larger.   

What frightements me is that the system is unfair and the people in charge are the ones who are mis using thier power. 

In addition an example is facebook which is able to see the users prefernce and targets ads towards the audience 

This is uncomfortable as we live in a democracy and everyone and thier own rifhts 

These things on the internet like apps like tik tok are an invasion of privacy as they hid spefic inmoprtant terms in the fine print which almost nobody reads 

Online secuirty and identiy theft is a major problem. A lot of society and older gernertations are not aware or keep up techonolgical advensments. 

For example on youtube i had seen people place a credit card reader over the machine where yoy tap or swipe your card.  

A majorioty of people would not be aaware that someone would do such a thing however as techonlgy advances , security as too as well 

Another important take away from the viedo was when it mentioned supermarket robots. If a supermarket was run by robots that would have everyone that worked there unemployed. 

The postive would be companys making more money but the negative is people being unemployed or unable to support themselves and thier family by a loss of job. 

Blog post 5

I did my technology on instant messaging and learned many different about it 

One presentation that i learned a lot about as well was by Jamie on motion pictures. 

Motion pictures started in the 19th centuary and has had a major impact on the technology of motion image technology.

The early innovators were people like Thomas Edision, Louis le Prince, and the Lumiere brothers

Movies are still watched till this day and have now adapted to platforms like Netflix's and Hulu to give the viewers a in home movie experience.  

Motion pictures has impacted the way people interact with one another, entertain, and comprehend the world around us 

It gives a different perspective on live as they see different cultures and sitations where they can relate and understand one another 

In addition movies can be an educational tool for kids, young adults and grown ups. For instance their are kids movies which give children ideas from right or wrong 

To add on a lot of disney movies carry themes that are portrayed throughout the movie

This can have a postive impact being as a teacher to help people understand universal concepts

In addition movies have been essential in capturing historical events and preserving culture as movies have been out for generations still being watched. 

Motion films helps people express their emotions and relate to one another and give people an outlet to unwind and relax

This has also brought people together to bond over films. 

Give people a job to work at to they can provide for themselves and their family 

blog 10

 One presentation in particular that i learned a lot about was by Jamie covering online influencers  

This term is a very common in todays society as people are doing this as a living and making an income as well. 

For instance there are apps like twitch or kick which are online platforms where online influencers can record themselves live. 

Positively these people have a postive and inspirational effect on people as they stimulate innovation for change. People follow and listen to these major content creators as they have a major effect on society. 

One example of this is a person name Andrew Tate who had blown up on the internet. This is an example of a person who is exersing thier 1st adament rights on the internet and has a large influencial hold on soicety as well. Thier are postives and negatives off this for instance any idea that he voices some people have no understanding if he serious or not. There are people who follow and do whatever he says weather it is a joke or not.  

The goveremtn did not like the influence that one person held as if he told everyone that follows him that they need to remove thier money from the stockmarket becuase it will eventually fall peoplewould listen and this can have major effects 

On the other hand the goverment dose not have the right to discate what type of person can say what based on factors that do not apply to breaking the law 

Blog 6

 I find it very important that Anti war voices are not in the mainstream news media 

This demonstrates the true intentions of the government and people in power. 

The main goal should be to protect citizens and prevent people from dying by one another 

Instead everyone voicing their opion about the damages war brings to people 

Main news media is trying to support making as much money as possible regardless of what happens to innocent people.

While reading AntiWar.com it stated, "Gaza War separates parents from their New Born Baby." This shows one of many negative events that have taken place because of war.  Sondos said, "There are tanks and bulldozers. My husband and I cannot go," she said. "They would kill us. I am afraid my son would end up living alone." Not only can the mother not get her own child but she knows where he is but will die if she takes action. 

If a persons who is pro war was in this situation they would think it is not worth it and would want to end the war immediately                                          

You should not try to benefit for yourself at the expense of others. 

I believe people at the top that make those descions are navive to how it really effects people as they are not the ones fighting or being effected negatively   

You have to seek out antiwar voice becuase if all the news was in the mainstream media then people would agree on why the war dose not make sense 

Blog post # 7

Juan Enriquez 

In his ted talk he stated imagine when someone is walking down the street with tattoos. It gives a strong impression with no words. When someone posts image online it leaves an electronic tattoo that lasts forever

Electronic tattoos will live far longer than our bodies will. 

Catherine Crumb discussed location information based on people carrying their iPhones which gives the government an opportunity to learn about citizens. This is a invasion of privacy

 The federal government has a large data base where they collect everyones data and they use this in order to find people locations and track people. 

""Just because you don't see it dose not mean it is not there. 

Chistopher Soghoian speaks about how technology has changed everything and the developers all have their own built in surveillance system on their devices. The person listening to your calls may be your government or another government. 

Darieth Dolaero 

Discuses a situation where her ex lover posted explicit pictures and videos of her and information online  explicit

These type of issues effect my friends and family because anything we say on the phone or information are able to be accessed by other people or the government.  

Even if you are not breaking any laws no one wants to be watched by another person. 

The government should give the people and citizens a peace of mind by installing laws and regulations to prevent a leak of information.

 We can protect ourselves by using apps like telegram which are encoded and secure for text messaging and phone calls

Wednesday, April 17, 2024


Instant messaging as came a long way since it was first started. It was created by engineers and computer scientists working at various institutions and companies. 

One of the first forms was in 1960-1970s through a compatible time sharing system. 

This was the first compatible time sharing system which allowed multiple users to communicate in real time.

 This is often recognized as one of the pioneers for instant messaging services in America but the concept and development was created from many indices and organizations several decades before. 

There became other programs that lunched in the 80s and 90s as programs such as, aol messenger 

In 1980s and 1990s other forms of instant messaging were developed                                                 During the early adapters of instant massaging it gaining popularity in the early 2000s, consisting of students, professionals, and people who used the internet for commutations and social networking purposes. 

The late adopters consists of people who preferred traditional forms of communication and people who were concerned about privacy and society issues. 

The early majority used aol instant messages. yahoo messenger 

Instant messaging shaped society as a whole 

For instance before i was born there use to not be a way of communication  

It started with phone set up on the street later forming to portable phones 

In todays society if someone dose not get a immediate response from someone they may get agitated  

It is crazy that back in the day a lot of these things were not current issues 

Instant messaging allows immediate and convenient commutation between two parties as it states in 


In addition network security became a problem as technology evolved 

People are able to access other peoples information through the internet without the victim ever knowing 

All is takes it for you to press one link on your device to give away all your information or make your information vulnerable

Everything that has postitive advancements always comes with a price 

In this instance even law enforcement has access to listen to phone calls or private information if needed 

This creates another issue as how much authority the government has and what limits their power 

The most important role of the government is to keep society in order and protect the people 

In most cases it seems that the people and go government are always against each other as their are lot of things that are not fair in the world  

Overall technology has positives and negatives as every good thing has bad in it 

Moving forward i believe that if everyone was well informed about instant messaging they would be more careful before typing or saying just anything on the phone 

You never truly know if you are the only one listening while talking on the phone 

This should not be a problem if you have nothing to worry about but at the same time every citizen has rights that need to be respected and understood at all times. 

Just because thier  are new inventions dose not mean the citizens constitutional rights change.