Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Diffusion theory

There are many different elements for the spread of influence to be upon society 

It has to be a large amount of people to adapt the new technology or it will not sustain.                  

There are early adopter, early majority, late majority, and laggards. 

Adopter are usually categorized as people but also can be business, school, hospitals and etc... 

People were early adopter because they were open minded people and were open to new ideas and trying new things. This also may be towards the younger age bracket as elderly people are not interested in changing what they already know. There are many late adopter because every person has their own way of doing things and if you already are self suficient many do not want to change something thats not broken. 

Late adopter may consist of people who once notice a majority of people are involved in something then they decide to start.This may be a mother who is not really interested in tik tok but ends up getting it because it becomes so popular 

One thing i see a negative of technology is it opens up a lot of room for crime. Now the police need people to monitor online while their information or evident posted somewhere. 

For example if a person posts explicit pictures or videos of  their partner their without their consent now that has the government has impose consequences. This is online sexual abuse.                       I  believe it is a good choice to stay off of snapchat, facebook , instagram .. etc.  This is because it is very time consuming which can take. up  hours of a day . In addition what you intake can be beneficial but if you watch h and informational video once it is over you are more than likely to click. non informational 

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