Tuesday, April 30, 2024

blog 10

 One presentation in particular that i learned a lot about was by Jamie covering online influencers  

This term is a very common in todays society as people are doing this as a living and making an income as well. 

For instance there are apps like twitch or kick which are online platforms where online influencers can record themselves live. 

Positively these people have a postive and inspirational effect on people as they stimulate innovation for change. People follow and listen to these major content creators as they have a major effect on society. 

One example of this is a person name Andrew Tate who had blown up on the internet. This is an example of a person who is exersing thier 1st adament rights on the internet and has a large influencial hold on soicety as well. Thier are postives and negatives off this for instance any idea that he voices some people have no understanding if he serious or not. There are people who follow and do whatever he says weather it is a joke or not.  

The goveremtn did not like the influence that one person held as if he told everyone that follows him that they need to remove thier money from the stockmarket becuase it will eventually fall peoplewould listen and this can have major effects 

On the other hand the goverment dose not have the right to discate what type of person can say what based on factors that do not apply to breaking the law 

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