Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Blog post # 7

Juan Enriquez 

In his ted talk he stated imagine when someone is walking down the street with tattoos. It gives a strong impression with no words. When someone posts image online it leaves an electronic tattoo that lasts forever

Electronic tattoos will live far longer than our bodies will. 

Catherine Crumb discussed location information based on people carrying their iPhones which gives the government an opportunity to learn about citizens. This is a invasion of privacy

 The federal government has a large data base where they collect everyones data and they use this in order to find people locations and track people. 

""Just because you don't see it dose not mean it is not there. 

Chistopher Soghoian speaks about how technology has changed everything and the developers all have their own built in surveillance system on their devices. The person listening to your calls may be your government or another government. 

Darieth Dolaero 

Discuses a situation where her ex lover posted explicit pictures and videos of her and information online  explicit

These type of issues effect my friends and family because anything we say on the phone or information are able to be accessed by other people or the government.  

Even if you are not breaking any laws no one wants to be watched by another person. 

The government should give the people and citizens a peace of mind by installing laws and regulations to prevent a leak of information.

 We can protect ourselves by using apps like telegram which are encoded and secure for text messaging and phone calls

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