Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The Supreme Court


1. I learned a lot about the supreme court especially because I did not have a lot of knowledge prior to the video. The supreme court was established in 1789 by Article Three of the U.S constitution. The congress had the power to decide the organization of the Supreme Court. In addition the legislative branch first exercised this power with the Judiciary Act of 1789. The supreme court had its first court date at the Merchants Exchange building in New York City on February 2, 1790. 

2. One important takeaway is the case of Mappv. Ohio (1961). This case stated that evidence obtained illegally cannot be used in criminal cases. This is very important because it draws a line on the governments power. For example you can not fight fire with fire, you must use water. In this instance you can not break the law in order to catch someone breaking the law. This case gives a sense of a power check to what the government can do and keeps the citizens rights in order. 

3. The most surprising thing that I learned is that prayer lead by a student in a public school on the loud speaker violates the first amendment. This surprised me because it dose not seem like a negative thing. On the other hand I understand that kids at an age are easily influenced and many parents may not want their kids religious values to be effected by the school. Also the first amendment protects freedom of speech and religion which would make this protected by the first amendment. 

4. The video changed the way I look at the Supreme Court because now I understand why it exists. To add on, the cases that are shown all have valid reasons and points off why they were important. In addition, the effect it had on the society was positively impacted enforcing equal and rights between all citizens preserving rights of the people. 

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