Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Blog 6

 I find it very important that Anti war voices are not in the mainstream news media 

This demonstrates the true intentions of the government and people in power. 

The main goal should be to protect citizens and prevent people from dying by one another 

Instead everyone voicing their opion about the damages war brings to people 

Main news media is trying to support making as much money as possible regardless of what happens to innocent people.

While reading AntiWar.com it stated, "Gaza War separates parents from their New Born Baby." This shows one of many negative events that have taken place because of war.  Sondos said, "There are tanks and bulldozers. My husband and I cannot go," she said. "They would kill us. I am afraid my son would end up living alone." Not only can the mother not get her own child but she knows where he is but will die if she takes action. 

If a persons who is pro war was in this situation they would think it is not worth it and would want to end the war immediately                                          

You should not try to benefit for yourself at the expense of others. 

I believe people at the top that make those descions are navive to how it really effects people as they are not the ones fighting or being effected negatively   

You have to seek out antiwar voice becuase if all the news was in the mainstream media then people would agree on why the war dose not make sense 

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