Tuesday, April 30, 2024

blog 9

 I learned that every company in todays society is using every technology available in order to make their business more effeient. 

The Age of Ai is scary because it takes away from human interaction which can be very negative for newer generations 

In addition having a robot think for you or even make music takes away from a humans unqie ability

Ai can not create something that is not yet created .  All of its information is from a major data pool of information that is already know 

For isntance when i order food through a drive through there is always a misscommucation or misunderstanding 

If you walk into the place to order you are able to ask questions with a clear , comprensive response 

This means a decrease in workers  and replacement  with robots to reduce costs. 

The wealthier gets wealthier and the poor get poorer and once ai can replace regular jobs like a  janitor than it will make the ecomice gap larger.   

What frightements me is that the system is unfair and the people in charge are the ones who are mis using thier power. 

In addition an example is facebook which is able to see the users prefernce and targets ads towards the audience 

This is uncomfortable as we live in a democracy and everyone and thier own rifhts 

These things on the internet like apps like tik tok are an invasion of privacy as they hid spefic inmoprtant terms in the fine print which almost nobody reads 

Online secuirty and identiy theft is a major problem. A lot of society and older gernertations are not aware or keep up techonolgical advensments. 

For example on youtube i had seen people place a credit card reader over the machine where yoy tap or swipe your card.  

A majorioty of people would not be aaware that someone would do such a thing however as techonlgy advances , security as too as well 

Another important take away from the viedo was when it mentioned supermarket robots. If a supermarket was run by robots that would have everyone that worked there unemployed. 

The postive would be companys making more money but the negative is people being unemployed or unable to support themselves and thier family by a loss of job. 

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