Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Eight Values of Free expression

Out of the Eight Values of Free expression, the one that resonates with me the most is Check on Governmental Powers. The governments role is to protect the people, keep society safe, and keep society in order. If the government fails to do so the society will fall into chaos and people will suffer. The main purpose of this value is to make sure that the government dose not abuse its power and enable citizens to learn more about abuse of power and take action if they choose. 

One thing that I noticed about todays society is how a majority of people express negative thoughts about the police. Obviously there are a lot of instances where the people have felt they were being treated unfairly and unjust by the people who are suppose to be protecting them. This caused people to voice their opinion with one another 

If enough people voice their opinion in a group with evidence it will enable change. 

New York City was the first largest department to adopt body cameras in 2013. The event that made this change was a federal court case that found police wrongfully targeting minorities with a stop-and frisk program. If the people did not speak up for themselves there would be no reason for this change to have occurred. 

In, "The Checking Value in First Amendment Theory," by Vincent Biasi it said, "The First Amendment claims of the powerful typically involve not advocacy or belief but control over information and access to limited channels of mass communication." This quote relates to the police having to get body cameras because without communication and enough information there would not have been any changes. This is a clear abuse of power and it is very important for every citizen to stay educated on current events and voice their opinion regardless of what it is. 

Another Value that resonates with me is Stable Change. Stable change has the best interest of the government and helps keep a society in order. Stable Change advocates for people to voice their opinion in a sense of allowing them to vent which leads to a decrease in violence. In addition allowing this to happen also enable a government to monitor dangerous groups of people who say stuff and take negative action following it as well. 

Last week I was watching YouTube and a kid who livestreams his life was going to a UFC event. The former president, Donald Trump was going to be at the same event in attendance. Before the event the kid said onvideo, "What's going to happen is that I'm going to walk up, I'm going to talk my shit to trump and the secret service, I don't give a f***, the secret service is not on shit." Later when the kid arrived his name was speficly written down to not allow in to the venue. Even though what he said is protected by the first amendment the UFC is a private event and his words prohibited him from entering. This relate to Stable Change because even though what he said was not illegal, the governments monitors sources of commutation and decided that he may be a threat.

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